If you have a bad intention in mind like playing a funny joke on your friend or scaring him with a new number, you should definitely have a fake WhatsApp account using a fake number. Similarly, there may be various other reasons why you want to create a fake WhatsApp account. These reasons can be, sharing rumors, gaining more privacy, or using a second WhatsApp account if you do not have a backup number.
How To Get a Virtual Number For WhatsApp Using Any Country Number?
We've broken down the whole process of creating a fake
WhatsApp account into three different parts so you can easily understand the
whole process. First, you have to create a duplicate WhatsApp on your
smartphone, then create a fake number and finally create a fake WhatsApp
account with that phone number. Below we have described in detail all these
steps –
- Open chrome with your browser and search for "Crypto Temp Number".
3. Choose any country and go to the number in it.
5. Also, know that you will find a message on that website. Enter that code on WhatsApp and register your WhatsApp account.
Note: - These tips and strategies are intended for Education
purposes only and to inform you so that if anyone tricks you may find that it
may be a spy, do not use this number for any illegal purpose. We "Sadi
Tech" are not responsible for any losses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it illegal to create a fake WhatsApp account?
We are not saying explicitly here that you should not use this account for illegal activities. If you create a fake WhatsApp account to imitate someone else's identity and send spam and fraudulent messages, then they fall under illegal activity. Even if you use it for prank purposes, be within your limits and do not do anything that could harm anyone otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.
WhatsApp Closes My Account?
Yes, there is a good chance that WhatsApp may delete your account. Now it is smart enough to identify the real fake numbers. If you create spam by sending messages to all contacts and random numbers soon after you create a new account, WhatsApp may think you are spam, and for the same reasons, your account may be closed or permanently deleted. WhatsApp may also request OTP confirmation many times.
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